Showing 1 to 10 of 14 blog articles.
VenomnymouS: Introduceyourself

Hey everyone! Just wanted to say hello to all the fine folks on this platform. lot's of great content on here for sure! 

(I'll keep this brief)

I go by a couple monikers "VenomnymouS" and "I Am AwareWolf". I've been a truth seeker since 2011 and proactively spreading truths ever since.

I came across OTWtube after I lost my main channel on youtube and was looking for more alternative platforms. I like the layout of this website and look forward to contributing to it with some of my own content. 

Like I said eariler i'mma keep this brief. However, I have a much more thorough backstory posted on Hive if you are interested in knowing more about me.  

With that said this is VenomnymouS - "Reporting from the Brave New World"

All my social media links over on heylink

All my social media links over on [heylink](

3730   2 years ago
The ☥Black Room as the middle path. -Zamani2Sasa

Grand Sunrise family, Shalom!

Thank you for your adding your magic to mine and practicing the KHEMETIC-KUSHITE prinicple of time compression!!  

Please check out my blog at 


The ☥BLACK ROOM as the Middle Path

  • wasatiyyah (وسط, وسطية) is the Arabic word for best, middle, centered, balanced, middle way or moderation

    The importance of your ☥BLACK ROOOM

      The sound of a ☥Black Room

      Zamani - The past: the collective unconscious we do NOT remember.

      SASA - The present: who we are NOW!

      and stop by our store for everything BLACK ROOM @

      Ankh Udja Seneb

      Power Provision Protection

      spelling for the proximal dis eases and dis orders of white-settler unconsciousness


      1824   3 years ago

      Support Part 1

      Peace Family, I’m so excited to be a member of this amazing platform that provides us with “free speech” and sense of “privacy”.  It’s been extremely challenging lately to be afforded this opportunity on a social network. I’m truly appreciative of OTWTube and On The Wake Up Radio.  

      I ask you all to remain humbled and please don’t forget to thank the Owner, Creative Genius and Mastermind Sindy Ashby for giving us this reprieve!!!  And please also remember that “NOTHING” is free…and costs to operate “anything” adds up.  Sowe into anything you “want to help” SUCCEED…

      In addition to raising capital, which every successful business owner MUST have implemented in their business structure, “members” also play a significant role in the development of successful operations. The following marketing strategies are extremely important for sustainable businesses!!!  If you ALL can help by participating, I am only asking that you do the following to show your support and dedication to helping this platform grow…  

      I guarantee you, the benefit of your participation helps to support Queen Ashby’s expansion as she takes you along for the ride!!

      785   3 years ago

      Support Part 2 

      ““Personal” gain or motives only helps the individual, NOT the business or the business owner!!! 

      1. Please Subscribe to EVERYONE who has subscribed to YOU.  Keep the support flowing in a circular motion.  “Energy” creates a constant flow of business.  

      2.  Keep ACTIVELY visiting the site, engaging with others and uploading content… this speeds up the flow of energy and draws more energy towards it.  

      3.  PROMOTE ON OTHER PLATFORMS!!! We have to take back some of the power we’ve given social media Oligarchs that have restricted our free speech and have violated our privacy… 

      IF YOU’RE FOR #TEAM SINDY, let’s begin to build!!!

      738   3 years ago
      Let me ask y’all a question? wTF? Happen to HIPPA LAWS

      I walk in a store I have an appointment with. They wanna take temperature to my head with the temperature Gun thing. It said I was 103.6

      I tell the lady it’s hot outside. I’m sweating like a runaway slave. I take off my sweater and give her my arm. It says 98.7 

      The lady says I can’t let you in because your head temperature is fever high. 

      I say lady, I ain’t got no damn fever, what about my arms?

      She proceeds to tell me. I wanna let you in but you have a raging fever in your head. She ask! Have you been fully vaccinated? 

      I say Are you a doctor or nurse?

      Have you been to medical school? Do you want my Pap smear test and HIV test results? How about a list of medication I’m taking?

      If you can’t discern as the bitch behind a desk and can’t work a temperature Gun. Me telling you my medical history means what? 

      I say lady... how does the head say one thing and the body say another? I’m a chimera?

      She raises the gun and clicks it again.

      And says oh your fever is coming down it’s saying 99 now...

      I say it must be a miracle... 

      she lets me into my appointment. 

      I truly hate that we are dealing with everyday folks who don’t have common sense. Mofos act like bouncers at a night club. You not letting me in because I won’t do as you say?! GTFOH 

      You think if I had 103.6 fever I would drag my ass outside. You must not know who the fuck I am. I would of been at deaths door at 103.6 & now I’m in Jack ass land trying to get you to google or duck duck go why my neck down is 98.7

      736   3 years ago
      PARASITIC WHITENESS as preceived by white-settler unconsciousness

      Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages wreaked by the chronic condition can function either as warning (“never again”) or as temptation (“great again”). Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure. - D. Moss


      PARASITIC WHITENESS - Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association

      725   3 years ago
      What's Good Family

      I am trying to get better connected to the community here on OTWTube. I am sick and tired of the energy on Instagram and they are really starting to hinder my message on that platform. Who can I connect with to be better connected as well as grow in this space. Looking to real connections to real people interested in my type of knowledge. Hit me up and send me people to follow.

      Thank you,


      650   3 years ago
      My old material #1

      Hello everyone for the next week or so I will be posting some of my old material in the COMMENT section. I'm really not sure if it should be there or not but I have been putting up content for yrs and stopping just to see exactly what I was trying to do become trend and make people lots of money. So now I'm a stick to my guns. Hopefully I don't offend anyone and I'm open to any suggestions. 

      Thanks in advance

      641   3 years ago
      Video Uploads

      Hello everyone on OTWTube. I created my channel to showcase the content that I made during the time my small unofficial videography company was in business. During that time I made an Instagram page and started making video edits of viral videos and video challenges made with music for the likes of producers like Remix God Suede. I got plenty of content but due to time constraints, I haven't had time to get many videos uploaded. I also don't want to just give you a large batch of videos off the bat so please be patient with me. If you see this and you would like to be entertained please subscribe to my channel and engage with my content. Let me know if you remember the viral situations if you like or dislike the video and if I should make new content to add to the channel. 

      Three Lee Films

      628   3 years ago

      Anyone interested in being live over the radio and taking podcast to the next level. Anyone looking to do shows. We are here for you at

      uncensored free speech on the air as well. Let’s go! 

      Hit up

      585   3 years ago