On The Wake Up: Reading Between The Lines

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5739   3 years ago
OTWradio | 164 subscribers
5739   3 years ago
On The Wake Up
Sundays 11:30PM EST
Hosts: Kaze Cutlass (otwtube.com)
Masonic Marine (otwtube.com)
Producer: Sindy Ashby (otwtube.com)
Sindy Ashby Productions

Posted @withregram • @kazcut On The Wake Up
Reading Between The Lines

TUNE IN LIVE 23:30 (11:30pm) EST

#OnTheWakeUp #Podcast
Host: Kaze Cutlass @kazcut
Cohost: Masonic Marine @masonicmarine
Producer: Sindy Ashby @sashbyfilms

We heard about the Gulf Of Mexico fire, but did you ALSO hear about the #CaspianSea #MudVolcano? Are they related? Or is it all just a big coincidence? #OperationRingOfFire or nah? We talked about it in the past. Now it's up in our face.

Sooo...apparently the Biden Admimistration is assembling some kind of #StrikeForce to help convince people to get the jab. How does that make you feel? I think it's time to revisit HHS and their #DomesticSpecialOperations.

I'm sure by now you have heard about the assassination of Haitian President #JovenelMoïse, I'm looking back at #OperationGladio. What's REALLY going on?

These topics and SO MUCH MORE. Tune in to the network AND the IG Live to be a part of the conversation. We are facing HEAVY CENSORSHIP, so expect nothing less tonight.

If you haven't joined already, check us out at www.otwtube.com for an #Uncensored, #FreeSpeech social media experience. You know those videos that get deleted off the mainstream social media platforms? You can find them HERE.
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