The ☥Black Room as the middle path. -Zamani2Sasa

Grand Sunrise family, Shalom!

Thank you for your adding your magic to mine and practicing the KHEMETIC-KUSHITE prinicple of time compression!!  

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The ☥BLACK ROOM as the Middle Path

  • wasatiyyah (وسط, وسطية) is the Arabic word for best, middle, centered, balanced, middle way or moderation

    The importance of your ☥BLACK ROOOM

      The sound of a ☥Black Room

      Zamani - The past: the collective unconscious we do NOT remember.

      SASA - The present: who we are NOW!

      and stop by our store for everything BLACK ROOM @

      Ankh Udja Seneb

      Power Provision Protection

      spelling for the proximal dis eases and dis orders of white-settler unconsciousness


      1835   3 years ago
      zamani2sasa | 6 subscribers
      1835   3 years ago
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