Showing 11 to 14 of 14 blog articles.
What's Good Family

I am trying to get better connected to the community here on OTWTube. I am sick and tired of the energy on Instagram and they are really starting to hinder my message on that platform. Who can I connect with to be better connected as well as grow in this space. Looking to real connections to real people interested in my type of knowledge. Hit me up and send me people to follow.

Thank you,


650   3 years ago
My old material #1

Hello everyone for the next week or so I will be posting some of my old material in the COMMENT section. I'm really not sure if it should be there or not but I have been putting up content for yrs and stopping just to see exactly what I was trying to do become trend and make people lots of money. So now I'm a stick to my guns. Hopefully I don't offend anyone and I'm open to any suggestions. 

Thanks in advance

641   3 years ago
The ☥Black Room as the middle path. -Zamani2Sasa

Grand Sunrise family, Shalom!

Thank you for your adding your magic to mine and practicing the KHEMETIC-KUSHITE prinicple of time compression!!  

Please check out my blog at 


The ☥BLACK ROOM as the Middle Path

  • wasatiyyah (وسط, وسطية) is the Arabic word for best, middle, centered, balanced, middle way or moderation

    The importance of your ☥BLACK ROOOM

      The sound of a ☥Black Room

      Zamani - The past: the collective unconscious we do NOT remember.

      SASA - The present: who we are NOW!

      and stop by our store for everything BLACK ROOM @

      Ankh Udja Seneb

      Power Provision Protection

      spelling for the proximal dis eases and dis orders of white-settler unconsciousness


      1824   3 years ago
      PARASITIC WHITENESS as preceived by white-settler unconsciousness

      Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages wreaked by the chronic condition can function either as warning (“never again”) or as temptation (“great again”). Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure. - D. Moss


      PARASITIC WHITENESS - Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association

      725   3 years ago