Age: 45
Relationship: Taken
School: Rabbit Hole University
Job: Autonomous Being
Here for: To unite the Black Sheep & Rabbit Hole Graduates and return them to their Indigenous political status so we can live autonomously in peace away from the diabolical and feeble minded low vibrational people.
Movies: Citizenfour, Dead Presidents, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum,
Music: Royal, Integrate, Ten Feathers Up, & Feather Girl by Jah Brickz.
Available on iTunes
Books: The Power of Now by Eckhart Toll, America is the True Old World by Amunhotep Chablis Bey, Africans and Native Americans by Jack D. Forbes, Powernomics by Dr. Claud Anderson, The Isis Papers by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Assata by Assata Shakur, Secret and Suppressed by Jim Keith, 1984 by George Orwell, Estrogeneration by Dr. Anthony G. Jay, The Big White Lie by Michael Levine
Hobbies: Reading, Building, Boxing, Tactical Training
TV Shows: I don’t watch TV anymore but when I did I watched the Walking Dead for research.
The premise of Sovereign Creed is based on a system of fundamental principles that we are self governed by. These principles are aligned with the customs and beliefs practiced by our Indigenous Amer’ican ancestors in accordance with Natural Law.
We are committed to the truth and only the truth.
As an unincorporated tribal business our products and services have been carefully formatted, designed, and cultivated to fulfill the needs of our enlightened consumers who have returned to the Sovereign State of Mind reflected by our heritage.