Its Over for Black Men

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686   3 years ago
Supasly75 | 65 subscribers
686   3 years ago
Tags: trans
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No dudes gay. Nice try gaybay to try to pretend to be straight and then say u'll fuck with the trans which obviously means you would fuck the monster in the ass. the literal definition of a trans woman means NOT a real woman. So how the fuck you're stupid ass going to say a trans woman is a real woman why does this caption say it's over for black men IS IT ? OVER HOW ??? Because some fruit cup says he would or basically does date trans women he's not a black man or he wouldn't be dating trans women in the first place. Gay dudes are NOT MEN they don't have NOTHING to do with us We are the TRUE APEX PREDATORS at the top of the food chain which is why the lower life form out but I know albino Paristic Barbarian racist are scared of us and want us to die so whoever wrote "itz over for black men" up there why don't you make that statement true then ???
Well, damn it I'm Transphobic then. Because I'm not going to date a woman who used to be a man point, blank, period, regardless of what "society" may say, think, or do. Society doesn't run me or my household.