We have been priced out!

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181   1 year ago
SIndyAshby | 107 subscribers
181   1 year ago
Society today
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Global power players have already changed the economic paradigm- Those who created the field of play we call society have already scrapped the old playing board and have reset the new global chess board: THE GREAT RESET and THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION- the global workers were allowed to feel as if they were "good" or "winning" as long as their productivity was conducive to the global players economicaly leveraging the globe- THEY HAVE DONE SO- they no lomger need to accumilate capital to leverage the nations of the world- they have done it - they term it STAKE HOLDER CAPITALISM- as in all conquered regions the conquerors need to maintain their occupation and authority- they no longer need people to feel as if they are "GOOD" or "WINNING" - they need them to step in line. LOCKSTEP- look outside this system for solutions - this system is being intentionally crashed and a technocratic global order installed- time to think outside the box- get close with community and family- BEST