Discussion focused on the mental health issues plaguing the Black Community via the Obessive-Compulsive Sexual Disorder (OCSD) known as hypersexuality. Pt 1 to a series of lectures centered on the lack of Manhood within the Black Community and how the overindulgence in sexual behavior has destroyed our communities by first destroying our Women. Males are sitting around on social media platforms denigrating Women instead of building up Men creating more strife within the Black Community without being accountable for the roles they play in it. THIS MUST STOP!
Men check men and men rear boys to become men. Anything else is effte malehood that perpetuates the destructive cycle of a disjointed Black Community which we're seeing in these times leads an even more volatile situation.
Please support these writers and artists:
Afrikan Insurrektion Muzik;
Opening - Black Woman
Closing - Complement
Tracks available at Ufasafo.com
Culture Bandits vol. 3 by Nana Kuntu (Del Jones the War Correspondent) out of print but you can search online for used copies.
Afrikan Manhood in The 21st Century by Imhotep Asis Fatiu @imhotepfatiu can be purchased at https://www.plm95.org/shop
An Afrikan Centered Response To The lgbtqia Organizations and Their Agenda: The Conversation no one wants to have 2nd edition by Olatunji Mwamba @olatunjim54 Can be purchased at https://olatunji-mwamba.myshopify.com/collections/all
Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth edition by american psychiatric association can be purchased on amazon