No Voting No Vucking is the new Political Ad for Black Americans

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420   2 years ago
NickTaylor | 49 subscribers
420   2 years ago
and it's going to work, I know why and so do a lot of you. This is sad and embarrassing simultaneously.
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In order for blacks to not be emasculated and humiliated anymore, we have to build a society of our own. The very act and responsibility of self-sufficiency weeds out the trash who depend on the white/Jewish systems. We need our own farms, now. Less than one percent of farmers are black, and I haven't heard much about black permaculture. Black Americans are concentrated into urban areas, which means we don't have a culture of making our own food for self-sufficiency. ALL of this political bullshit is just that. The point of the Jew-kraine war is to starve people worldwide while destroying the American economy. If we blacks don't know how to produce our own food, then we'll starve and be easy pickings for the whites if there is a Jew-sponsored race war in America. Our primary motivation should be to ensure the survival and thriving of our race. All this political garbage is meant to prime our people for destruction when the collapse of the food supply comes.
I thought vucking meant vaxxed-fucking at first, and I'm fully in support of that, because the children of the vaxxed seemed doomed to suffer short, unpleasant lives with things like irregular hearts and neurological problems. What is that thing that they put in the ad? A tranny? I don't pay attention to politics, but that disturbed me. This is another reason why American Blacks need their own independent, self-sufficient communities, where we can leave this garbage behind and work on improving ourselves. (The first reason being that the black race can't survive if they depend on whites (for everything - food, water, technology, shelter) while acting like trash. We need to depend on ourselves and act as a morally and intellectually advanced people.)
Wisdom is the mastery of one's sexual energy/sexual force.