Homelessness UP as Black Businesses crash...

100% 22 0
471   2 years ago
NickTaylor | 49 subscribers
471   2 years ago
and the usual suspects dodge the issue and it's root.
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States with the Highest Black Population
Roughly 55% of the Black population lives in the south and southeast regions of the United States. A majority of the top ten states are located in this region. The rest of the Black population is split into 18% in the Midwest, 17% in the Northeast, and 10% in the West.

Texas has the highest Black population in the United States of 3,936,669, about 14% of Texas's total population. Texas is the second-most diverse state in the U.S. Following Texas is Florida with 3,867,495 (18%), New York with 3,763,977 (19%), and Georgia with 3,549,349 (34%).