467 2 years ago MLUV
13 subscribers 467 2 years ago
Dr Paul Alexander * says under no circumstances allow your child to be vaccinated. Studies show early intervention has a 90% recovery and natural immunity for life.
* Dr Paul Alexander, PhD, has expertise in teaching epidemiology, evidence based medicine and research methodology. He is a former Assistant Professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine, a former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis advisor to WHO-PAHO, Washington DC (2020),and former Senior Advisor to Covid Pandemic policy in the US Government, Health and Human Services (HHS), Washington DC. In 2008 he was appointed at WHO as Regional Specialist / Epidemiologist in Europe's Regional Office in Denmark.
2017-2019 @ the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) in VA, as evidence synthesis meta-analysis systematic review guideline development lead/trainer.
2002-2014 Canada part of an international CIDA funded, Health Canada executed project on TB/HIV co-infection and MDR-TB control.