541 2 years ago MLUV
13 subscribers 541 2 years ago
Graphene Hydroxide a product that should never be in a human body. Is not seen by the average microscope and undetectable to the average coroner. Once injected into the bloodstream it begins to assemble itself. It doesnt illicit an immune response but the opposite. These microscopic organisms are sharp like a razors and begin cutting the blood vessels and forming clots that causes havoc in the body. Some surcumb right away and others will suffer.
Whistleblower Dr. Andreas Novack was snatched from his home and beaten to death in front of his home for creating a livestream and warning the public. The official report is he committed suicide hours after making the video that has been removed and censored. Dr. Campo has also spoken out on June 19, 2021 to warn the public. Creator, Charles Lieber a genetic engineer. won the Nobel Price in 2010
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