Can You Find The White Supremacy In This Video?

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442   3 years ago
Supasly75 | 65 subscribers
442   3 years ago
Black degenerates
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Sly, All that I see in this video is walking mental disorders known as Black Females-S/O to The Honorable Michael David Carroll.
Our people are in a sad state. While we know why and how we got here we must stop using our condition, our circumstances, and our oppression as an excuse to act unruly, disrespectfully (especially to each other), and as an excuse to stay in our current state. When will we hold each other accountable to out behavior and expect the best out of us instead of the worse. I'm not saying that we can do the impossible like pull ourselves up by our own boot straps but we can at least learn how to love ourselves enough to love others and not want to see them harmed by anyone else and especially us.
Who would blame this on white supremacy? Even the chicks in this wouldn't, unless the person on the other side did something racial.