Fox Soul open handed Slap of BM and backhanded Slap to BW but...

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845   2 years ago
NickTaylor | 49 subscribers
845   2 years ago
these B-Dub's either like that Slap or figure the ends justify the means and the mean principle is the drubbing of Black men et. al.
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Thanks for speaking truth. We live in a time where the black race is in danger of extinction. All the mockery that they make of us black men is just part of an agenda toward genocide. Africans are at the bottom of the world technologically. Black Americans are near the bottom of American society economically. The 'Great Reset', Agenda 2030, or the Jewish Agenda - whatever name you call it, the agenda plans to destroy whites AND blacks. However, blacks are in the best position of all races to fight back for one reason: we are the race with the lowest % intake of the covid vax. The majority of our race's blood remains untainted with the MRNA depopulation technology. We will have the strength to fight back in a few years, while whites and asians will be weak and dying from all the poison vaxxes they lined up to take. All we have to do is create a thriving community to defend ourselves when the collapse of Western society occurs.