403 3 years ago 403 3 years ago
Dr. Umar Johnson is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Certified School Psychologist who is considered an expert on the education and mental health of Afrikan and Afrikan-American children. Dr.Umar, as he is known to friends, is kinsman to both the Great Abolitionist Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) and the late Abolitionist Bishop Alexander Wayman (1821-1895).
Dr. Umar is former Minister Of Education for the Honorable Marcus Garvey’s UNIA-ACL, and a direct descendant of formerly enslaved civil war veterans who served in the 9th & 19th Regiments of the United States Colored Troops of Maryland.
Dr. Umar is an educational diagnostician who specializes in special education issues. He is known most for his work in identifying mis-diagnoses Dred learning disabled and ADHD students. He is widely regarded as the most influential African-American Certified School Psychologist in American history. Likewise, he is arguably the most influential Pan-Afrikanist of the 21st century.
Dr. Umar has appeared on the Breakfast Club, Fox Soul, Cannon’s Class, Rickey Smiley Show, Bev Smith Show, Tom Joyner Show & the Real Housewives of Atlanta. One of the most recognized social scientists of the 21st Century, his book, articles and lectures are included by college and university professors across the country within their required course materials. Few, if any, other Afrikan-American scholars have the intense international following and global support base that Dr.Umar has attracted. His ability to successfully engage mainstream media has drawn comparisons to El Hajj Malik El Shabazz.
Dr. Umar is one of the most requested speakers in the world, and has been invited to speak in every continent except Australia. His is a universal household name when it comes to politics, education, mental health & Pan-Afrikanism. He is a regularly invited guest to college campuses across the country where he speaks on both scholarly topics and current events.
Dr. Umar is currently renovating his new school, The Frederick Douglass & Marcus Garvey RBG International Leadership Academy for boys, America's first academy for Black boys founded upon the principles of Revolutionary Pan-Afrikanism and International Economics. He can be reached at DrUmarJohnson@Yahoo.Com, 725.200.8342, or 844-4DR-UMAR.
Dr. Umar Returns to Las Vegas(NV):
"Psycho-Academic War Against Black Boys Power Lecture
(Free Event)" & "Black Parent Advocate Book Release," Moments & Memories Banquet Hall, 931 W Owens Avenue Ste 170 89106,
Be there!
#LasVegasNevada #PanAfrikanism #BlackExcellence #RealMonger #DrUmarJohnson #TheNotoriousRBG
Dr. Umar Johnson Questions
1.This has been a long debated topic amongst our group as well as outsiders, should Afrikans (in America as well other Afrikan in other countries) emigrate to Afrika?
2. How has the school to prison pipeline system (prison preparation system) affected our children domestically & internationally?
3.How do black people as a whole change the system & keep it accountable?
4. You mentioned in one of your interviews that Alpha males are naturally polygamous and if every black man married every black woman in America that it would still be 2 million black women left unmarried, having said all of that & marriage being an obsolete nowadays, what relationship would you recommend for the Afrikan man and woman to have amongst each other? Stay single? Monogamy? Polygamy? Open relationship? Or some other answer?
5. Should the police be banned from the Afrikan communities and be defunded as well?
6. In your Black Parent Advocate book, you mentioned that parents should consider the 504 Plan or a Pre-Referral Academic Intervention Plan before signing legal documents to have their child psycho-educational evaluated, with that being said, could you please explain to the people what a 504 Plan is? And what is a Pre-Referral Academic Intervention Plan?
7. What is the official start date of Frederick Douglass High School? And Marcus Garvey Elementary School?
8. What is the overall solution for the Afrikan family collectively when comes to our struggles?
9. How can black people get involved for the cause of fighting for our natural human rights?
10. What’s your earliest memory or encounter of becoming aware of racism?
11. Do you have a story about someone in your family standing up to against injustice?
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